Sunday, January 15, 2012

Onward to 2012!

          My first attempt at "no shopping" was, interesting challenge for me.  Somewhat successful, then fall off the wagon, back-on (sort of) and then, a revised mission.

           For those non-believers, I did start off well.  Think of it as a "New Year's Resolution".  Much like my diet and weight loss plan, I start off pretty good.  Fully focused.  Then, challenges get in the way.  For the no-shopping experience, it was my trip abroad with my sisters and Sarah.  I (of course) needed a few items to make my trip a fun experience.  A few items here and there.  Off we go.  And of course, we have to pick up a few items to bring back.  Souvenirs of the trip and all.  So,

          Then I come home.  Deep in the midst of a challenging "celebrity weight loss experience" at the Omni Gym, where Mike and I did well.  Lost weight.  New clothes sizes.  Shopping for smaller clothes.  " again."

           Then, comes the big kicker.  Christmas.  Always hard for me to avoid.  Shopping and searching for the perfect gifts for my friends, family and loved ones.  So, " again."  Albeit not as bad as I've been in the past, but still hitting the wagon word.  On both challenges......spending and weight loss.

          So, hats off to 2012.  Another new year where the resolutions seem to be a lot like last years!  (Does that seem the case for just me?  Or do all of us make the same new year's resolutions every year???)  Anyway, I'm still searching for the "kinder, gentler world" that I was hoping for last year.  That hasn't seemed to come to pass in the world or politics or anything else for that matter.  So, I'm renewing (again) my new years resolutions.

          Again, I feel that I am blessed with what I have.  I have a wonderful family, great job which I love, a safe, cozy home filled with love - from my husband and daughter and my worshiping pets, my health, so much stuff.  More stuff than I need.  I keep reminding myself of that.  And when I look around - I do.  I see all the things I have.  And think, I don't need any more stuff!  I have more than one person should have or need.  So, instead of looking at what I don't have - I'm looking at what I do. 

          A friend of mine linked me to a great "sample sale" the other day for clothes.  I immediately responded...."I'll be there - can I come early and checkout the things before everyone else get's a chance at it?"  Then, I looked around - at my closet and what I have.  I emailed her back and said, "I don't need anything right now - I'll have to pass!".  Doesn't sound like much to you, but to me, it's acknowledgement.  And, isn't that half the battle sometime?

          Another thing I realize, I like and enjoy working out.  And for me, weight loss must entail both working out and eating right.  Sure, I may work out hard, but then I may stuff my mouth with the wrong things.  I know for true weight loss to happen I need balance in that.  So, I need to focus my time and energy on creating the right kinds of food for me (and Mike) to lose weight or maintain weight loss.  That's what I'll spend my energy and time on - planning, organizing and keeping that on track.  Because I enjoy the working out aspect, but have to get everything else in check as well. 

          Happy New (or old, revisited, redone, repeat, whatever) Year.  It's challenge time again.  And hopefully stick to it time as well.

          I hope that you reach your goals and challenge yourself.  I'm trying.


Monday, November 28, 2011

The Black Friday Madness!

It's funny.  I'm a major shopper, but I have NEVER been into the Black Friday madness.  I guess it because I really enjoy my shopping experience and I also enjoy sleeping late in the morning, and getting up way before the sun rises doesn't really sound like fun to me!  So, I've never partaken in the review of the sale flyers....checking out the deals and setting the alarm for the wee hours of the morning to get that TV for $ 50 less! 

When the stores decided that early morning hours weren't early enough and we had to get things going on Thanksgiving day, after the consumption of turkey and all the trimmings.....well I did hear a lot of people who hit the stores at midnight, Thanksgiving night (or really early Black Friday!).  Mike, Sarah and I decided to try it - to be spontaneous and adventurous, if not a little insane.  Not because we needed to get anything - or think that the deals would be great....just to say we've done it!

We finished our Thanksgiving meal - and all the dessert that comes with it....then waddled home.  We sat down to watch the Lady Gaga Thanksgiving special - Sarah and I did - and Mike tried to shut his eyes for a while, before we hit the Miromar Outlet shops at midnight!  We hit the road about 11:30pm - ready, comfy clothes on and ready to go.  We hit the Germaine Arena - the parking lot just north of the outlet mall and noticed lots of cars.  As we pulled closer to the mall - we noticed a lot of cars.  Panic hit us!  OMG!  Really?  We pulled in to a parking lot - full with parked cars.....and more parking lots across the street - down the street - all over the place......packed!  "Do you guys want to stay?", Mike asked.  "NO WAY!"  was the response by both me and Sarah. 

Sarah was afraid and frankly, so was I!  First of all, the bargains couldn't have been that great.  And secondly, there is nothing that I need that badly to go hiking down the street at midnight!  Insane. 

The only thing I wish I could have done - is people watch.  I'm sure I could have seen some interesting sights!!!

Happy Holidays!

Friday, October 21, 2011

It's been so long (almost 5 months??)

I haven't been blogging.  I have been doing some shopping. So, my year of "no shopping" has turned into a year of "some shopping".  Maybe that's why I haven't been blogging, because I couldn't really be honest with the whole "no shopping" thing. 

I have finished an (almost) six month fitness program, so I felt like rewarding myself with some new hip clothing.  Not that I didn't have new hip clothing in my closet, but I guess I like trying on new clothes and buying new things.  (that isn't anything new, which is the bulk of the problem!) 

I'm not "not shopping", but I'm not buying as much as I did before, you know?  I still like the occassional bargain - I did get some cool designer jeans, "Seven for Mankind" and "Red Engine"- a great find at my consignment shop/friend's alert message - buyouts from a store that went out of business.  So, I'm thinking my $ 180 jeans that I got for $ 37 was a great deal.  And I bought some for Sarah as well.  And my *** (that's 3 Dot for you non-shoppers) dress that I got for $ 35.  I do relish in getting great deals. 

I went to NYC went my hubby - who showered me with birthday celebrations - jewelry, surprise party - and I was totally surprised!!! - and a trip to NYC (a place he doesn't really like to go to.....).  We had a wonderful time - so much that I just might have to start travelling more with him!  (I think I might have commited to a bowling trip in May???).  Anyway, my sister Nina met us there - and that could only mean SHOPPING!!! 

We did the obligatory trip to Chinatown to scoop up some great "imitation" goodies.  I love my excursion to Chinatown - the crazy Chinese people, the ducks in the window with their heads on, the dim sum, even the fish market doesn't bother me.....well, maybe the eels kind of freak me out - oh and those GIANT frogs....ick.  I have to say, I like being whisked off into the alley ways and going into the little side places with the rows and rows of great fabulous fakes.  No more.  It ain't the same.  Little Asian (not sure it they are Chinese - maybe Taiwanese) men - hook you up with Asian chicks - who shove folded pictures of purses in rows and different colors.  Then they radio some other Asian person, while you wait on the street corner.  Then they bring you something in a black plastic bag.  This is no fun.  All the fun is gone I say!!!  Disappointed.

I did find a guy with some "imitation bags" on the street - actually some nice looking fakes - I think the guys was from South America or an Island (are they the new Chinatown???).  But, by this time, my husband was asking the age old question, "how many purses do you need?"  Like I could ever answer a silly question like that!!!  Need.....or want......or have to have??????  So many different anwers.

I promise to blog.  I can't say that I promise to not shop.  I am hunting down some holiday gifts, so that might kill my urge for myself.  I'm still working on my addicition.  I think I will always have my addiction - but try to sustain it a bit!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Been round the world and back again!!!

I have returned from the BIG whirlwind trip to Greece, France (Paris) and the UK (London), with my sisters Nina and Joanna, and my daughter Sarah.  We were gone for 2 weeks and had a fabulous time!  (more about that later!).

Prior to departure - I have to admit - I did falter a bit, but in my usual fashion - can justify everything!  I started spending some of my "monthly" allowance around spring break time and then started the big push to prepare for the trip.  Since I've started my "fitness challenge" at the OMNI gym and have trimmed 15 lbs. off the bod and firmed out some areas that have previously not seen the sun in years.....I sprung for some new swim suits!  I think that purchase was justified.....what do you think?

Then, I purchased some appropriate walking/touring shoes, since my otherwise non- fashionista sister Joanna sent me an email link to an article about not wearing tennis/gym shoes in Europe (a major fashion NO), and I needed to follow that rule.  My purchase of a new suitcase for Sarah was nixed by Mike.  I wanted to replace the worn out duffle she took to China and found (what I thought) was a good deal at the AAA office.  That purchase would have come in handy when the bag started to fall apart in Greece.  We decided to drag it around and will have a major party burning it later this summer!!!

And of course, my exemption of "shopping while out the country" - well, I utilized that all over Europe!  I did buy the obligatory souvenirs - trying not to take up precious cargo space.  I bought a lovely leather bag in Greece and a pair of leather sandals (from the same leather maker).  Beautiful.  And in London, I wanted to buy a "funky" European outfit (more about that later!) - something that I'd actually wear in the States!  Believe me, the old Stacey would have gone nutso.....but the new, improved Stacey didn't!

So, I'm back.  On track.  No shopping.  Looking into my closet, I don't need to.  Even if I get to lose the extra 15 lbs. with my weight loss challenge....I'll wait.  Nothing I need right far as  So stores....see ya.....much later!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Whatcha been doing??

Hi - I'm back.  I've been working out like a fiend for the past eight weeks - some weeks not taking that coveted "day of rest/off" and doing a seven day workout week!  But tonight, it's my last night before the final weigh in the (yucky) bod pod - which measures your body fat/muscle ratio and is very persnickety from time to time.  Instead of cramming in that last workout - I'm at home on the computer because my body is rebelling against me and I've given in - to a stupid eye infection.  So, working out with my glasses is not my idea of fun and I feel icky since I didn't sleep last night - I kept scratching my eyes until I couldn't take anymore.  So, I will toast to myself tomorrow and continue the work that I've started in the gym.  Besides buying new workout stuff - I'm buying a gym membership for me and my husband!

My blog is going to be about that stupid "Battle Hymn of the Tiger mom".  As I mentioned a few blogs ago - I wouldn't make comment about the book until I actually read it.  Well, I received it from the library last week and ave been reading every night before I go to bed.  I really should have switched my reading routine, because after I would read, I wouldn't be relaxed.....but pissed off.

Amy Chau, the author, drives me insane.  Not only does she generalize the "Chinese way" in everything, she sounds like an uppity bitch, who doesn't have a warm,. compassionate bone in her body.

Now, I know plenty of Chinese parents and kids -I'm related to a lot of them!  My parents, for instance, had definite standards for what we did. And, we knew what was expected of us - and we either did it or didn't.  They mixed the Chinese way with the "western" way - because we live in the western world - not the Chinese world.

OK - enough of that.  Read the book - if you want to be angered.  I read it (most of it) but didn't finish it because it did anger me.  I figured she had her 15 minutes and I wasn't going to waste anymore of my time on her.

More later on!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Forgive me shoppers, I haven't been blogging!

It's been crazy.  Sarah was home for Spring break - kind of.....I mean she strolled in Sunday night (I think classes were done like Thursday??).  Headed to Orlando on Tuesday - back to Fort Myers on Weds., out to Ft. Lauderdale on Thursday; Fort Myers late Friday night - then, oh, back to Gainesville on Saturday.  So, I think we saw her like 36 hours?  And my only "real shopping" excursion was to Target!  Which believe me, can be quite costly, if you know what I mean! 

Then, my great friend Cate arrived from Canada - ready to shop like we were so used to doing when we can get together!  (It has been a long time, since she took three very long years to go to law school.)  So, with my "monthly stipen" on $100 in hand, I hit to the malls.  After careful consideration - combing the internet for what was out there and geez, what do I need.....I settled on some great comfy Clarks shoes - from the awesome people at Clarks Shoes in Coconut Point- to take on my upcoming trip to Greece!  That and a blue and white striped shirt - because hey, that's what is cool with white pants this year, don't you know.  And, my shopping excursion is done!

I haven't missed a whole lot shopping.  Seems like those styles from high school are creeping back again.  And, not really being too fond of them back then, I'm not jumping on them now - since I'm not really the high school clothes kind of girl right now!!  (not even the mother of a high school girl anymore!)

I have been working out.  A lot.  This Fit Challenge is....well, challenging!  In that I'm trying to get my butt our of bed early (which it doesn't really like) and I have been depriving myself of all those yummies (which I don't really like!)  But, I do like working out - discovering Boot Camp, Fight Club, Zumba and other forms of physical torture that are getting this body in some sort of shape.  My core is getting stronger - even if that number on the scale isn't what I want it to be.  I'm working on it.  Like everything in my's a process.  I'm learning to be accountable - in all sorts of ways - and having control.  Control of portions - money (i.e. spending) - oh, what else!  But that morning thing....oh, that's hard. 

My most important purchase has been a new sports bra.  After all, support is good from all areas, right?  I'm there for you!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

It's All About the Clothes!!

Mike and I have been working deligently over the past two weeks -hitting the OMNI Club in Fort Myers doing the "Fit Challenge".  While Mike only works out in the "Boot Camp" - I've been adventureous in the other classes other than Boot Camp - like Fight Club, Zumba and working out with my great personal trainer Wendy. (who picked me because of my grey pumps - remember??)  I have been loving it. 

And of course, you remember that the scale needle (or the digital numbers) haven't moved much of anywhere.  And that's pissed me off tremendously!  But today I have on my skinniest of jeans that I could not zip up three weeks ago - when I decided to throw myself into this challenge!  I bought these (last year!!!) after I lost my weight and before I got lazy and stopped doing anything.  My size 8 skinny CAbi jeans.  And they fit. 

So there.  Even though the scale didn't move.  The prove is always in the clothes!!!  I'm determined to continue and try another pair of jeans that were a bit snug a few weeks ago - ok - very snug.  (so much I put them in the other room for future try ons!)  I'll try those next week!!  (or the week after.....)

As I was working out the other night - doing Fight Club and working my legs, I took a look at those lovely things my sisters and I call - CHEN thighs.  Something we inherited from our dad's side of the family - and something that has always driven me crazy.  Now mind you - I can always hide my CHEN thighs in the right clothing - there are always forgiving things you can do with clothes that make even the ugliest of features look ok.  And I've perfected that to an art - a shopping art!!  But standing there doing my squats in my spandex tight workout clothes - those lovely features stick out like a sore thumb.  A very big elephant in the room, so to speak.  Well, at least to me!  You can can't hide in the workout room - or in spandex workout clothes - that's for sure.  Ugh.  So far to go.

And someday, after numerous Zumba lessons, I hope to find the "inner Latino" in me - and get those moves that my Zumba teacher Rebecca does.  The Chinese genes did not supply me with the ability to move like she does!  I really think Latinos come out of the womb moving like that - to everyone else it's a learned trait.  A few more classes and I hope to move somewhat like her.  The simple fact that when she moves up on the stage with the wind from the fan blowing through her long black hair and when she's done with class she doesn't look like a drowned rat like me.....well....I'm not sure how much hope there is for that!   But I will keep trying.

So, hopefully, I will discover more clothes that were a bit tight and aren't so much anymore.  Because, it is all about the clothes, you know.