It's funny. I'm a major shopper, but I have NEVER been into the Black Friday madness. I guess it because I really enjoy my shopping experience and I also enjoy sleeping late in the morning, and getting up way before the sun rises doesn't really sound like fun to me! So, I've never partaken in the review of the sale flyers....checking out the deals and setting the alarm for the wee hours of the morning to get that TV for $ 50 less!
When the stores decided that early morning hours weren't early enough and we had to get things going on Thanksgiving day, after the consumption of turkey and all the trimmings.....well I did hear a lot of people who hit the stores at midnight, Thanksgiving night (or really early Black Friday!). Mike, Sarah and I decided to try it - to be spontaneous and adventurous, if not a little insane. Not because we needed to get anything - or think that the deals would be great....just to say we've done it!
We finished our Thanksgiving meal - and all the dessert that comes with it....then waddled home. We sat down to watch the Lady Gaga Thanksgiving special - Sarah and I did - and Mike tried to shut his eyes for a while, before we hit the Miromar Outlet shops at midnight! We hit the road about 11:30pm - ready, comfy clothes on and ready to go. We hit the Germaine Arena - the parking lot just north of the outlet mall and noticed lots of cars. As we pulled closer to the mall - we noticed a lot of cars. Panic hit us! OMG! Really? We pulled in to a parking lot - full with parked cars.....and more parking lots across the street - down the street - all over the place......packed! "Do you guys want to stay?", Mike asked. "NO WAY!" was the response by both me and Sarah.
Sarah was afraid and frankly, so was I! First of all, the bargains couldn't have been that great. And secondly, there is nothing that I need that badly to go hiking down the street at midnight! Insane.
The only thing I wish I could have done - is people watch. I'm sure I could have seen some interesting sights!!!
Happy Holidays!