Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A self proclaimed "shopaholic" decides enough is enough!

I saw a real interesting piece on the NBC Nightly news a few weeks back.  A woman (somewhere, I can't remember where) decides that she has enough clothes.  Well, I've been thinking about that same thing.  I'm always searching for something better.  The perfect jeans.  Or the perfect black pants.  Or the perfect white shirt.  Then, you look in your closet and there are 10 pairs of "not so perfect" jeans, 8 black pants that just don't do it, or so many white shirts you can't see straight.  I realize that I do have a problem - one that started many years ago (we'll tackle that subject in a bit) and has continued through the years.  Now, just winding around to my 50th birthday in the year 2011, I'm facing the fact that I am a shopaholic.  I get some kind of satisfaction out of shopping, but never can find whatever I'm looking for to make me satisfied not to shop anymore.  So, I've decided to put that energy somewhere else - running - or starting to that is....and not shopping.  So, I'll blog about instead.
When I posted my decision to "no shop in 2011" it came with some interesting responses.  "Did you fall down and hit your head"?  "is this the real Stacey talking", "it can't be done", or "let's see how long that last!".  I'm attempting and (although) I've built some "exclusions" in my plan, I am looking forward to the challenge. 
So, I hope you enjoy this journey.  The countdown begins to 2011 and the "no shop 2011!"

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