Monday, January 3, 2011

Wow! I forgot I had these!

Yes, you will be hearing me say that a lot, I tell my husband. I look around to the various places that I can hide clothes - you know, those boxes, drawers and closets in other rooms where I stash things.  And I'm amazed at the things I have there!  I do have a lot of clothes.  And I do have a nack to putting things together (outfit wise that is....) so I should be able to put together so many different outfits in the next couple of months!  I am serious about the wearing only things that make me feel good.  Right now I have on a pair of fabulous CAbi pants - that are so comfortable and stylish - and am thinking of all the tops I can mix and match with these - and change the looks all the time.  I really need to do the "ten basic pieces of the wardrobe" and see what I can come up with.  I"ll start posting pics, I promise!!!

And today I am starting to eat right again - no more holiday baking anymore.  I made my brother-in-law's family nutbread recipe (which I haven't had since Mom Langenmayr stopped making it.....) and it was delish.  I am saving it in the freezer for Eric when he and Nina come to visit in two weekends!!!  We will be eating Sonny's and nutbread all weekend.

I'm headed out to Zumba tonight with Cathy and I'll hit the bike in the morning - or the roller blades tonight!  We will see.  Gotta get moving again.

I'm also focusing on fixing up the office/man cave.  I'm finally ready to part with mom and dad's desk - it is kind of big for condo, but I wasn't ready to let it go just yet, and I think I am now.  We will see.

So, it's new discovery time.  Finding long lost clothes in the back of the closet - and re-discovering my knack for putting together outfits (Nina's fashion advisor, again).  And discovering that I'm not going to put up with things that I just don't love to death.  Watch out!

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