Friday, June 10, 2011

Been round the world and back again!!!

I have returned from the BIG whirlwind trip to Greece, France (Paris) and the UK (London), with my sisters Nina and Joanna, and my daughter Sarah.  We were gone for 2 weeks and had a fabulous time!  (more about that later!).

Prior to departure - I have to admit - I did falter a bit, but in my usual fashion - can justify everything!  I started spending some of my "monthly" allowance around spring break time and then started the big push to prepare for the trip.  Since I've started my "fitness challenge" at the OMNI gym and have trimmed 15 lbs. off the bod and firmed out some areas that have previously not seen the sun in years.....I sprung for some new swim suits!  I think that purchase was justified.....what do you think?

Then, I purchased some appropriate walking/touring shoes, since my otherwise non- fashionista sister Joanna sent me an email link to an article about not wearing tennis/gym shoes in Europe (a major fashion NO), and I needed to follow that rule.  My purchase of a new suitcase for Sarah was nixed by Mike.  I wanted to replace the worn out duffle she took to China and found (what I thought) was a good deal at the AAA office.  That purchase would have come in handy when the bag started to fall apart in Greece.  We decided to drag it around and will have a major party burning it later this summer!!!

And of course, my exemption of "shopping while out the country" - well, I utilized that all over Europe!  I did buy the obligatory souvenirs - trying not to take up precious cargo space.  I bought a lovely leather bag in Greece and a pair of leather sandals (from the same leather maker).  Beautiful.  And in London, I wanted to buy a "funky" European outfit (more about that later!) - something that I'd actually wear in the States!  Believe me, the old Stacey would have gone nutso.....but the new, improved Stacey didn't!

So, I'm back.  On track.  No shopping.  Looking into my closet, I don't need to.  Even if I get to lose the extra 15 lbs. with my weight loss challenge....I'll wait.  Nothing I need right far as  So stores....see ya.....much later!!!

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