Thursday, June 9, 2011

Whatcha been doing??

Hi - I'm back.  I've been working out like a fiend for the past eight weeks - some weeks not taking that coveted "day of rest/off" and doing a seven day workout week!  But tonight, it's my last night before the final weigh in the (yucky) bod pod - which measures your body fat/muscle ratio and is very persnickety from time to time.  Instead of cramming in that last workout - I'm at home on the computer because my body is rebelling against me and I've given in - to a stupid eye infection.  So, working out with my glasses is not my idea of fun and I feel icky since I didn't sleep last night - I kept scratching my eyes until I couldn't take anymore.  So, I will toast to myself tomorrow and continue the work that I've started in the gym.  Besides buying new workout stuff - I'm buying a gym membership for me and my husband!

My blog is going to be about that stupid "Battle Hymn of the Tiger mom".  As I mentioned a few blogs ago - I wouldn't make comment about the book until I actually read it.  Well, I received it from the library last week and ave been reading every night before I go to bed.  I really should have switched my reading routine, because after I would read, I wouldn't be relaxed.....but pissed off.

Amy Chau, the author, drives me insane.  Not only does she generalize the "Chinese way" in everything, she sounds like an uppity bitch, who doesn't have a warm,. compassionate bone in her body.

Now, I know plenty of Chinese parents and kids -I'm related to a lot of them!  My parents, for instance, had definite standards for what we did. And, we knew what was expected of us - and we either did it or didn't.  They mixed the Chinese way with the "western" way - because we live in the western world - not the Chinese world.

OK - enough of that.  Read the book - if you want to be angered.  I read it (most of it) but didn't finish it because it did anger me.  I figured she had her 15 minutes and I wasn't going to waste anymore of my time on her.

More later on!

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